"the Plant" is a gripping tale of the near future, on a global scale, and follows the story of two friends - Johnson, the businessman, and Smith, the dreamer, both staunch supporters of Marijuana and Hemp legalization - who had founded an activist magazine in the 1990s. Smith had become disillusioned with the seemingly unwinnable struggle, and disappointed with American society and its resistance to change, even when it means dramatic improvements to the economy and environment.He moves to Venezuela where he believes he can spend the rest of his life in peace and quiet, living off the...
"the Plant" is a gripping tale of the near future, on a global scale, and follows the story of two friends - Johnson, the businessman, and Smith, the ...
A carefully structured combination of essays and stories - partnering fiction with nonfiction - based on years of research, and the author's personal philosophy and experiences, "The Psychosomatic Survival Guide" directs the reader toward a clearer, more positive path for living in today's fragmented, and often mentally negative, modern world.The Guide traverses a course that thoroughly entertains as it evolves into a developing tale of characters finding personal discovery of life, while, at the same time, explaining its own purpose as a guide. "The Psychosomatic Survival Guide" is both an...
A carefully structured combination of essays and stories - partnering fiction with nonfiction - based on years of research, and the author's personal ...
Under highly secret research, a Doctor discovers a new theory in correcting mental disabilities, but finds a dangerous challenge in executing her procedure.
Under highly secret research, a Doctor discovers a new theory in correcting mental disabilities, but finds a dangerous challenge in executing her proc...
The first collection of poetry by author Dan L Dudgeon, A Feast Of Phrases, promises to entertain, amuse, and inspire, then fulfills that promise with both passion and honesty.
The first collection of poetry by author Dan L Dudgeon, A Feast Of Phrases, promises to entertain, amuse, and inspire, then fulfills that promise with...