Throughout history, people have constructed simple timber lattice shelters such as the tepee or yurt, covered with animal skins, leaves, grasses and woven fabrics. Over the last fifty years, more sophisticated webs of wood have emerged, with timber gridshells in particular becoming a structurally expressive form of architecture. Recent developments in digital design, 3-D modelling software, timber fabrication technologies as well as trends towards low-carbon construction have further reinforced architects interest in the use of lightweight timber grids and lattice structures.
Throughout history, people have constructed simple timber lattice shelters such as the tepee or yurt, covered with animal skins, leaves, grasses an...
Throughout history, people have constructed simple timber lattice shelters such as the tepee or yurt, covered with animal skins, leaves, grasses and woven fabrics. Over the last fifty years, more sophisticated 'webs of wood' have emerged, with timber gridshells in particular becoming a structurally expressive form of architecture. Recent developments in digital design, 3-D modelling software, timber fabrication technologies as well as trends towards low-carbon construction have further reinforced architects' interest in the use of lightweight timber grids and lattice structures.
Throughout history, people have constructed simple timber lattice shelters such as the tepee or yurt, covered with animal skins, leaves, grasses an...