Writers of Muslim background are producing some of the most vibrant literary fiction of our time. From Rushdie and Kureishi--whose trailblazing, controversial books challenged the racial orthodoxies of the 1980s--to the new generation of Hamid, Aslam and Shamsie, these novelists explore their own multiple belongings and affiliations through the complex fictions they create. This collection reflects the variety of those fictions.
Writers of Muslim background are producing some of the most vibrant literary fiction of our time. From Rushdie and Kureishi--whose trailblazing, contr...
Fiction by writers of Muslim background forms one of the most diverse, vibrant and high-profile corpora of work being produced today - from the trail-blazing writing of Salman Rushdie and Hanif Kureishi, which challenged political and racial orthodoxies in the 1980s, to that of a new generation including Mohsin Hamid, Nadeem Aslam and Kamila Shamsie. This collection reflects the variety of those fictions. Experts in English, South Asian, and postcolonial literatures address the nature of Muslim identity: its response to political realignments since the 1980s, its tensions between religious...
Fiction by writers of Muslim background forms one of the most diverse, vibrant and high-profile corpora of work being produced today - from the tra...