Sexuality is a fundamental component of personality. One of its modes of being, of manifestation, of communicating with others, of feeling, of expressing and of living human love.Human sexuality is a good, part of that created gift which God saw as being very good.Male and female he created them (Genesis 1:27).Insofar as it is a way of relating and being open to others, sexuality has love as its intrinsic end, more precisely, love as donation and acceptance, love as giving and receiving.The relationship between a man and a woman is essentially a relationship of love: Sexuality, oriented,...
Sexuality is a fundamental component of personality. One of its modes of being, of manifestation, of communicating with others, of feeling, of express...
There has never been any link between celibacy and the priesthood. Priests are ordained to priesthood not celibacy hood.Celibacy is a practical problem; not a theological problem.That is why Pope Benedict XVI has created Ordinariate for Anglican married Priests and the Eastern churches have married priests in their home territories. This is perhaps the backdoor to the problem of married Catholic Clerics. As long as we can move into the 21st century, recognise the problems we have and get on with the real job of the Church.The supreme law in the Church must always be the salvation of souls. ...
There has never been any link between celibacy and the priesthood. Priests are ordained to priesthood not celibacy hood.Celibacy is a practical proble...
Today the Church must be biting its own feet with the latest revelations of the growing number of sexually motivated abuses of which experts have attributed to the broken oath of celibacy for one to become a priest.Seeing Pope Benedict the XVI in a televised address painfully render his apologies to the families and victims of sexual abuse in Ireland was bad enough to take back the majority of Catholics worldwide to the drawing board and review its stand on celibacy.It is frightening to see the number or priests that have been arrested for sex abuse cases in churches worldwide. Priests sex...
Today the Church must be biting its own feet with the latest revelations of the growing number of sexually motivated abuses of which experts have attr...
Today many people participate in oaths either in the Church or in government offices without knowing the implication of the oath.This study looks at the question of the origins of African oaths. Emphasis has been laid on the relationship between African oaths and the oaths that were there among the Africans before fighting for independence in Africa.A major concern of this study is to answer various questions that can be raised with reference to African oaths in general and to the religious elements in the oaths in particular. Of particular importance is a description of the nature and...
Today many people participate in oaths either in the Church or in government offices without knowing the implication of the oath.This study looks at t...
The Holy Ghost Fathers from France were the first ones to evangelise Ukamba in 1912.From 1912 to 1918 the only station they had was Kabaa.The first Bishop Ndingi MwanaA Nzeki was appointed on September 1969.On August 1st 1969 12 Bishops were consecrated by Pope Paul VI for various countries of Africa among them was the new bishop of Machakos. On 7th September 1969 at Machakos stadium the bishop was installed.On 9th October I971 Bishop Ndingi was transferred to Nakuru. On 20th July 1973, it was announced that Fr. Urbanus Kioko the new Bishop.His consecration took place on 7th October...
The Holy Ghost Fathers from France were the first ones to evangelise Ukamba in 1912.From 1912 to 1918 the only station they had was Kabaa.The first Bi...
Researchers tend to use specific terms to classify their research efforts. It is these terms that provide the vocabulary necessary to discuss types of research. Qualitative and quantitative are words that describe two different strategies for conducting research. For the most part these strategies are analogous to inductive problem solving strategies.A researcher using the inductive strategy descriptions are recorded, the researcher studies them and then identifies and analyzes variables that appear to be important. This approach is known as a qualitative approach and is characterized by the...
Researchers tend to use specific terms to classify their research efforts. It is these terms that provide the vocabulary necessary to discuss types of...