Culture shock is a common phenomenon among visitors and immigrants to other countries that has been studied for decades, although it has recently received more attention as the result of ethnic diversity. Culture shock affects peoples behavior, attitude, performance, and the development of social networks; it is, nevertheless, part of the process of adaptation, which involves changes in the way people immersed in a new culture perceive, understand, and, to a certain extent, internalize elements of the culture surrounding them. This book presents a comprehensive ethnographic study...
Culture shock is a common phenomenon among visitors and immigrants to other countries that has been studied for decades, although it has recently r...
The growth of U.S. and Mexican business relations, particularly as the result of the NAFTA, have created the need for corporations to provide their business executives with intercultural knowledge and skills that will allow them to work and compete successfully in the international arena. This book consists of an extensive literature review derived from MA research integrating the areas of IC communication, negotiation and training, used as theoretical background for the design of a sample training program for Americans conducting business in Mexico. The areas explored integrate...
The growth of U.S. and Mexican business relations, particularly as the result of the NAFTA, have created the need for corporations to provide their ...