MAGNIFICENCE finds eighteen year old Mallory O'Shaughnessy struggling to overcome debilitating injuries inflicted by malicious, murderous Sylvia Brown. Relying on the watchfulness of Daniel and Diana Faulkner, and the power of the Lord, she struggles onward and upward. Can she continue trusting the Lord, even if total healing isn't His will for her life? Can she make a difference for others struggling with overwhelming physical disabilities? Can she keep DiaMo Corporation strong and profitable? Does she have the heart of David Anderson? If so, can she keep it? And what about Sylvia? Will she...
MAGNIFICENCE finds eighteen year old Mallory O'Shaughnessy struggling to overcome debilitating injuries inflicted by malicious, murderous Sylvia Brown...
Continuing the adventures of the strong, faithful, and intelligent seventeen-year-old Mallory O'Shaughnessy as portrayed in "DAZZLING" and "TREASURES, " Paula Wallace's new novel, "WEALTH, " showcases the spunky teenager following the Lord and finding more danger and intrigue Mallory has recently returned to her duties as the young CEO of DiaMo Corporation. The diamonds inherited from her father's estate continue to pay off big and have given her numerous worldly riches. But Mallory constantly keeps the Lord first in her life, knowing that her true riches lie in Heaven. A stalwart Christian...
Continuing the adventures of the strong, faithful, and intelligent seventeen-year-old Mallory O'Shaughnessy as portrayed in "DAZZLING" and "TREASURES,...