"Pentiana. Volume I: Pentiano settlers" This is the first part of a science-fiction and epic phantasy trilogy. It is written for grown-ups; youngsters and children can like it though. Synopsis: This novel is the story of a civilization coming from the Earth that colonizes successive planets and it is related to beings that live in the globular cumulus (stellar cumulus with kind of a spherical distribution) M80, one of the ones that orbit our galaxy. Earthling expeditionary came to settle in the third planet from one of the many stars of the cumulus, which they called Pentiana (as it had five...
"Pentiana. Volume I: Pentiano settlers" This is the first part of a science-fiction and epic phantasy trilogy. It is written for grown-ups; youngsters...
"Aelfwine y Ollorin" Novela de fantasia epico-elfica acorde con el legendarium de Tolkien. Sinopsis: Esta novela corta es un homenaje mas al sabio escritor britanico J.R.R. Tolkien, una vivencia en mi corazon de una pequena parte de su rico legendarium, contado desde mi punto de vista, tomando prestados sus personajes y lugares, por supuesto con nombres cambiados, para montar una historia diferente que el lector puede insertar en su grato recuerdo de un trozo de la mitologia, de la admirable cosmogonia del erudito y genial profesor de Anglosajon en Oxford. En resumen, esta obra trata de una...
"Aelfwine y Ollorin" Novela de fantasia epico-elfica acorde con el legendarium de Tolkien. Sinopsis: Esta novela corta es un homenaje mas al sabio esc...
"Pentiana. Volume II: Duin and Ambar" Second part of the trilogy of science-fiction and epical phantasy. Written for grown-ups, youngsters and children might like. Synopsis: The adventure continues from the birth of Orion, third offspring of Sirius and Virgo. It follows the storyline between the Earth, the Blue planet (Duin, in language quenya) and the asteroid World (called Ambar by its inhabitants, as they speak high elfic), to the peak of the pacific civilisation of the Blues, threatened by the envy of the evil Feasmal. This volume ends with a glossary of characters and places related to...
"Pentiana. Volume II: Duin and Ambar" Second part of the trilogy of science-fiction and epical phantasy. Written for grown-ups, youngsters and childre...
"Pentiana. Volume III: The hollow planet" Tirth part of the trilogy of science-fiction and epical phantasy. Written for grown-ups, youngsters and children might like. Synopsis: The adventure continues in a hollow planet with high composition in gold... and finishes at the end of Earth history.
"Pentiana. Volume III: The hollow planet" Tirth part of the trilogy of science-fiction and epical phantasy. Written for grown-ups, youngsters and chil...