Nach Kriegsende entkamen etliche NS-Kriegsverbrecher und Nationalsozialisten durch Flucht nach Übersee ihrer Bestrafung. Wie diese Flucht konkret organisiert wurde, und wer den Kriegsverbrechern dabei geholfen hat, wurde lange Zeit nicht näher untersucht. Jahrzehntelang dienten Schilderungen von allmächtigen Geheimorganisationen wie der "Odessa", der "Organisation der ehemaligen SS-Angehörigen", als Erklärung. Wohl sind die Fluchtwege der NS-Kriegsverbrecher bis heute geheimnisumwittert, doch es war nicht ein einziger, weltumspannender Geheimbund namens "Odessa", der diese plante. Die...
Nach Kriegsende entkamen etliche NS-Kriegsverbrecher und Nationalsozialisten durch Flucht nach Übersee ihrer Bestrafung. Wie diese Flucht konkret org...
The Geneva-based International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) is one of the world's oldest, most prominent, and revered aid organizations. But at the end of World War II things could not have looked more different. Under fire for its failure to speak out against the Holocaust or to extend substantial assistance to Jews trapped in Nazi camps across Europe, the ICRC desperately needed to salvage its reputation in order to remain relevant in the post-war world. Indeed, the whole future of Switzerland's humanitarian flagship looked to hang in the balance at this time. Torn between...
The Geneva-based International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) is one of the world's oldest, most prominent, and revered aid organizations. But at t...
Traces the evolution of the humanitarian hero, looking at the ways in which historians, politicians, and filmmakers have treated individual rescuers like Raoul Wallenberg and Oskar Schindler, as well as the rescue efforts of humanitarian organizations. Contributors also explore classroom possibilities for dealing with the role of rescuers.
Traces the evolution of the humanitarian hero, looking at the ways in which historians, politicians, and filmmakers have treated individual rescuers l...