A dangerous game of life, blood, and survival...Marquis Silivasi is a loner, an ancient vampire known to be merciless, harsh, and unforgiving. He has lived to see his dark twin sacrificed, his parents hunted, and the one soul he was sworn to protect destroyed by his enemy. When a mysterious female with a secret past shows up in Dark Moon Vale, her presence sets off a strange set of events: It is as if she has awakened the sleeping soul of the valley...and the Curse of Marquis's birth.Bound to each other by primeval law, the two must forge their way through an ever growing maze of danger,...
A dangerous game of life, blood, and survival...Marquis Silivasi is a loner, an ancient vampire known to be merciless, harsh, and unforgiving. He has ...
Nachari Silivasi is a bright light in a Dark World. As the youngest vampire in a family of warriors, he has studied Magick for four-hundred years and acquired a rare mastery of the universe around him. He is beloved by his family; legendary for his good-looks; and known for his uncommon valor. Unfortunately, he has just made the ultimate sacrifice - he has traded his immortal life for the life of the Vampyr King. Deanna Dubois is as talented as she is independent, but she has developed a strange and terrifying habit: Night after night, day after day, she sketches one horrifying scene after...
Nachari Silivasi is a bright light in a Dark World. As the youngest vampire in a family of warriors, he has studied Magick for four-hundred years and ...
Saber Alexiares is no ordinary vampire. He is like a cruel, fire-breathing dragon. Reared in the bowels of the colony by Dark Ones, he has no conscience, no compassion, and no saving grace. Captured by the enemy, he is sentenced to execution by sunlight only to discover that his body will not burn - he isn't who he thought he was. He was stolen at birth. He was reared by the wrong house. And the sunlight isn't going to kill him because he does have a soul. Vanya Demir is the very heart of goodness and light, an ancient female from a magical race, the progeny of humans and celestial deities...
Saber Alexiares is no ordinary vampire. He is like a cruel, fire-breathing dragon. Reared in the bowels of the colony by Dark Ones, he has no conscien...
Kagen Silivasi is a powerful, ancient vampire with a unique gift for healing - he is also a son, a brother, and a loner who has survived unspeakable tragedy and loss: Beneath his handsome, well-mannered exterior lies an alter ego consumed by rage and an overwhelming impulse to -kill them all...- Arielle Nightsong is a brave human, a rebel spirit, and an accomplished healer in her own right. Born into a harsh world of violence, cruelty, and danger, she was enslaved at the age of ten and given as a gift to the most depraved being in Mhier - the infamous king of the lycans. If not for her...
Kagen Silivasi is a powerful, ancient vampire with a unique gift for healing - he is also a son, a brother, and a loner who has survived unspeakable t...
Ramsey Olaru is a bona fide bad-ass: a lethal vampire, a seasoned warrior, and a ruthless mercenary in the king's Sentinel Guard. He's accustomed to taking what he wants, ramrodding his way through obstacles, and silencing anything-or anyone-who gets in his way. So when his Gemini Blood Moon reveals Tiffany Matthews as his long-awaited destiny, he sets out to fulfill the demands of the Curse, claiming her as his own, swiftly and definitively. Tiffany Matthews is as independent as she is savvy, and she knows more than she should about the volatile underworld of the Vampyr, the powerful,...
Ramsey Olaru is a bona fide bad-ass: a lethal vampire, a seasoned warrior, and a ruthless mercenary in the king's Sentinel Guard. He's accustomed to t...
Mina Louvet is a fighter, a human with a powerful will to survive in a world dominated by warlocks, soul-eaters, and shifters. Identified by the king's witch as one of the rare, invaluable females in Dragons Realm who can give birth to a dragon's son, she was stolen from her parents as a child and taken to the Keep to be reared in the ways of the Ahavi. As one of the few, the elect the Sklavos Ahavi Mina is expected to feed her master's fire, reanimate his blood, and above all else, give him strong dragon offspring: children who will one day rise to power. But Mina, to her great misfortune,...
Mina Louvet is a fighter, a human with a powerful will to survive in a world dominated by warlocks, soul-eaters, and shifters. Identified by the king'...
Julien Lacusta is a troubled soul, born into tragic circumstances, and raised in a violent time. Despite being a Master Warrior in the house of Jadon, and one of the most elite trackers the Vampyr have ever seen, he is damaged to the core: tormented by endless shadows, haunted by unseen ghosts. And he knows-by all the celestial gods; he knows-that if he ever releases those demons, the beasts that lurk within, there will be hell, fire, and brimstone to pay. The very earth will suffer. Rebecca Johnston is fighting hellhounds of her own: a stalker who won't let her go, an enemy she cannot...
Julien Lacusta is a troubled soul, born into tragic circumstances, and raised in a violent time. Despite being a Master Warrior in the house of Jadon,...
What would you be willing to sacrifice for a chance to live...and love...forever?
From the bestselling author of the BLOOD CURSE SERIES and DRAGONS REALM comes a gripping, sensuous saga, full of danger, vampiric-dragons, and mystic fire: PANTHEON OF DRAGONS by Tessa Dawn.
Zanaikeyros Saphyrius, better known as Zane, is an original dragyri, a badass male, and a Genesis Son--one of the original embryos made by the dragon lords. Like all the Dragyr he has ten days from the time he meets his fated--a human female--to take her to the Temple of Seven and...
What would you be willing to sacrifice for a chance to live...and love...forever?
From the bestselling author of the BLOOD CURSE SE...