"As I Recall" is a collection of humorous and heartfelt short stories and poetry sharing moments from a life full of laughter and love. Author Ray Dillard has long wanted to record these memories of his life for family and friends; however, early in the process, he discovered more than the need to create a personal legacy for his family. He found a new voice that told colorful and descriptive stories and provided an inspiring message. He attributes his understanding of the human spirit and its need for nourishment to his experiences as a son, brother, husband, father, and teacher.
"As I Recall" is a collection of humorous and heartfelt short stories and poetry sharing moments from a life full of laughter and love. Author Ray Dil...
"As I Recall" is a collection of humorous and heartfelt short stories and poetry sharing moments from a life full of laughter and love. Author Ray Dillard has long wanted to record these memories of his life for family and friends; however, early in the process, he discovered more than the need to create a personal legacy for his family. He found a new voice that told colorful and descriptive stories and provided an inspiring message. He attributes his understanding of the human spirit and its need for nourishment to his experiences as a son, brother, husband, father, and teacher.
"As I Recall" is a collection of humorous and heartfelt short stories and poetry sharing moments from a life full of laughter and love. Author Ray Dil...