"The Lost Book" is presented in conjunction with the website labyrinthproductions.net as collection of short stories and mazes of gothic mystery and fantasy. The book is a result of the character "Claudia" found in the website who hid the book in a castle in a dark forest many years ago. How or why she was able to do this is a part of the narrative found in the website. The mysteries presented are rooted in German literature and in the imaginations of the Grotrians who come from a tradition of literature and art.
"The Lost Book" is presented in conjunction with the website labyrinthproductions.net as collection of short stories and mazes of gothic mystery and f...
The book is a result of the character Claudia found in the website, who hid the book in a castle in a dark forest many years ago. How or why she was able to do this is a part of the narrative found in the website. The mysteries presented are rooted in German literature and in the imaginations of the Grotrians, who come from a tradition of literature and art.
The book is a result of the character Claudia found in the website, who hid the book in a castle in a dark forest many years ago. How or why she was a...
The book is a result of the character Claudia found in the website, who hid the book in a castle in a dark forest many years ago. How or why she was able to do this is a part of the narrative found in the website. The mysteries presented are rooted in German literature and in the imaginations of the Grotrians, who come from a tradition of literature and art.
The book is a result of the character Claudia found in the website, who hid the book in a castle in a dark forest many years ago. How or why she was a...