El sentido comun, ensayo escrito por Thomas Paine, se publico por primera vez el 10 de enero de 1776, durante la Revolucion americana. Este ensayo ejercio una gran influencia sobre la opinion publica durante la guerra de independencia estadounidense, presentando una argumentacion contra el dominio britanico en un momento en que la cuestion independentista provocaba todavia suspicacias e indecision en gran parte de los colonos. Paine redacto el panfleto en un estilo sencillo para que la gente pudiera entenderlo sin dificultad, renunciando al lenguaje filosofico y al latin, muy utilizados por...
El sentido comun, ensayo escrito por Thomas Paine, se publico por primera vez el 10 de enero de 1776, durante la Revolucion americana. Este ensayo eje...
Fue un best-seller en los Estados Unidos, donde causo un renacimiento deista de corta duracion. El publico britanico, sin embargo, temiendo un aumento del radicalismo politico como resultado de la Revolucion Francesa, lo recibio con mas hostilidad. La Edad de la Razon presenta argumentos deisticos comunes; Por ejemplo, destaca lo que Paine vio como corrupcion de la Iglesia Cristiana y critica sus esfuerzos por adquirir poder politico. Paine aboga por la razon en el lugar de la revelacion, lo que le lleva a rechazar los milagros y ver la Biblia como "una literatura ordinaria mas que como un...
Fue un best-seller en los Estados Unidos, donde causo un renacimiento deista de corta duracion. El publico britanico, sin embargo, temiendo un aumento...
Thomas Paine’s Common Sense is just that – a simple passionate presentation of the case against monarchy, and for American Independence. But it was also much more: An inflammatory immediate best seller. It was reprinted numerous times in its first year and remains the all-time best selling American title. Today it is read for its place in history and as an example of persuasive writing.
This is the Bradford edition of 14 February, 1776. It includes Paine’s appendix urging an immediate declaration of...
Thomas Paine’s Common Sense is just that – a simple passionate presentation of the case against monarchy, and for American Ind...
Thomas Paine’s Common Sense is just that – a simple passionate presentation of the case against monarchy, and for American Independence. But it was also much more: An incendiary immediate best seller. It was reprinted numerous times in its first year and remains the all-time best selling American title. Today it is read for its place in history and as an example of persuasive writing.
This is the Bradford edition of 14 February, 1776. It includes Paine’s appendix urging an immediate declaration of...
Thomas Paine’s Common Sense is just that – a simple passionate presentation of the case against monarchy, and for America...
As a long and violent abuse of power, is generally the Means of calling the right of it in question (and in Matters too which might never have been thought of, had not the Sufferers been aggravated into the inquiry) and as the King of England hath undertaken in his own Right, to support the Parliament in what he calls Theirs, and as the good people of this country are grievously oppressed by the combination, they have an undoubted privilege to inquire into the pretensions of both, and equally to reject the usurpations of either.
As a long and violent abuse of power, is generally the Means of calling the right of it in question (and in Matters too which might never have been th...