Shark Boots is actually a somewhat true story. My five year old spent about six months living in these Shark Boots, and blaming everything naughty he did on his boots. My son Cameron has been the biggest inspiration to my writing. Sometimes you just have to laugh about the things they do and say. You need to take a moment and remember how much you will miss all these quirky shenanigans when they are all grown up. Writing about it helps because you can step back for a second and realize how truly funny the events of the day actually were. Your innocent flower has an incredible imagination....
Shark Boots is actually a somewhat true story. My five year old spent about six months living in these Shark Boots, and blaming everything naughty he ...
After a dark past, a teenage girl comes back from the dead and becomes a hit-man for a clan of immortals. She had been reborn in a place far worse than any version of hell, one could imagine. After many years lost in places void of humanity, Grey found her. He introduced her to a partially immortal family. She'd been saved in so many ways by the Ankh. They were the family that she had always been destined to find. They would teach her to embrace the dragon that resided within.
After a dark past, a teenage girl comes back from the dead and becomes a hit-man for a clan of immortals. She had been reborn in a place far worse tha...
The Children of Ankh series Identical twins, Kayn and Chloe Brighton share a soul. Due to a supernatural mishap, one soul was gifted to a mortal, this soul split, leaving one twin with the dark half and the other with the light. At the age of sixteen, the Correction came to erase their family line leaving Kayn as the only survivor. She joins clan Ankh. Kayn must absorb her deceased twin's soul and become one. Her best friend Kevin is also taken by Ankh, due to a psychic ability, inherited from his grandmother. In a surprising plot twist, his grandfather turns out to be the leader of Triad....
The Children of Ankh series Identical twins, Kayn and Chloe Brighton share a soul. Due to a supernatural mishap, one soul was gifted to a mortal, this...
Lexy, the Dragon of Clan Ankh begins to find her way through the turmoil of her tumultuous past. While still owning the Dragon inside she carries on with her duties as the hitman for the smallest of the three partially immortal clans. After being partnered up with her arch rival for a battle during the Summit where they shared an intimate moment, Lexy finds herself drawn to Tiberius the equally dark leader of clan Triad. As Lexy guides the three newest of the Ankh into their immortal Testing and awaits their return, she begins to search for the woman behind the beast by stepping out of her...
Lexy, the Dragon of Clan Ankh begins to find her way through the turmoil of her tumultuous past. While still owning the Dragon inside she carries on w...
This story is about a normal girl who's destined to be nothing less than extraordinary. One thousand years ago, procreation with mortals became illegal under, immortal law. Any suspected immortal offspring will be allowed to live until the age of sixteen. At this time, a Correction will be sent to erase their family line. The suspected immortal and their immediate family will be executed. If the partially immortal teen manages to survive their Correction, or they have impressed the Guardians of the in-between with their bravery, they may be granted a second chance as a sacrificial lamb for...
This story is about a normal girl who's destined to be nothing less than extraordinary. One thousand years ago, procreation with mortals became illega...