Grambo: The True Adventures of an American Grandmother in Baghdad...and Beyond is the inspiring, faith-filled memoir chronicling the life of Evelyn Chriswell, a Pentecostal Christian who went to work as a civilian contractor in Iraq during some of the war s most turbulent early days. It is a gripping and insightful story which documents her life growing up in Louisiana, her early marriage to a fiery faith healer and their work as missionaries, and continues her journey of love and loss across the globe. Chriswell s life has been a tapestry of triumph and tragedy, but through it all, her faith...
Grambo: The True Adventures of an American Grandmother in Baghdad...and Beyond is the inspiring, faith-filled memoir chronicling the life of Evelyn Ch...
Grambo: The True Adventures of an American Grandmother in Baghdad...and Beyond is the inspiring, faith-filled memoir chronicling the life of Evelyn Chriswell, a Pentecostal Christian who went to work as a civilian contractor in Iraq during some of the war s most turbulent early days. It is a gripping and insightful story which documents her life growing up in Louisiana, her early marriage to a fiery faith healer and their work as missionaries, and continues her journey of love and loss across the globe. Chriswell s life has been a tapestry of triumph and tragedy, but through it all, her faith...
Grambo: The True Adventures of an American Grandmother in Baghdad...and Beyond is the inspiring, faith-filled memoir chronicling the life of Evelyn Ch...