Today is Tuesday the 7th. September, 2010 and David the CEO of Atlantic Lighting is facing the toughest day of his career. Told from the view point of each of the companys management team, Transition is the story of just one day in Atlantic Lightings history, a day that will change the company forever.
Cleverly written, this timeless page-turning story unfolds to reveal not only the plans and actions of each of the management team but also their deepest insights and feelings. Business leader and experienced interim manager, Harley Lovegrove takes his readers on a journey of discovery,...
Today is Tuesday the 7th. September, 2010 and David the CEO of Atlantic Lighting is facing the toughest day of his career. Told from the view point of...
Heute ist Dienstag, der 7. September 2010, und David, der Geschaftsfuhrer von Atlantic Lighting, steht vor dem schwersten Tag seiner Karriere. Erzahlt aus den individuellen Blickwinkeln der Mitglieder des Fuhrungsteams, ist Wandel die Story von nur einem Tag in der Geschichte von Atlantic Lighting, einem Tag, der das Unternehmen fur immer verandern wird. Intelligent geschrieben entwickelt sich die fesselnde Story, um nicht nur die Plane und Handlungen von jedem aus dem Managementteam, sondern auch deren tiefste Eindrucke und Gefuhle aufzudecken. Der Geschaftsfuhrer und erfahrene...
Heute ist Dienstag, der 7. September 2010, und David, der Geschaftsfuhrer von Atlantic Lighting, steht vor dem schwersten Tag seiner Karriere. Erzahlt...
Aujourd'hui, mardi 7 septembre 2010, David, PDG d'Atlantic Lighting, doit affronter la journee la plus difficile de toute sa carriere. Raconte a travers le regard de chacun des membres de l'equipe de direction, Transition est le recit d'une seule et unique journee dans l'histoire d'Atlantic Lighting, journee qui va changer l'entreprise a tout jamais. Habilement ecrit, ce livre tient le lecteur en haleine non seulement en lui revelant les plans et actions de chacun des membres de l'equipe de direction, mais aussi leurs pensees et sentiments les plus intimes. Lui-meme dirigeant d'entreprise et...
Aujourd'hui, mardi 7 septembre 2010, David, PDG d'Atlantic Lighting, doit affronter la journee la plus difficile de toute sa carriere. Raconte a trave...
Today is Tuesday the 7th. September, 2010 and David the CEO of Atlantic Lighting is facing the toughest day of his career. Told from the view point of each of the companys management team, Transition is the story of just one day in Atlantic Lightings history, a day that will change the company forever.
Cleverly written, this timeless page-turning story unfolds to reveal not only the plans and actions of each of the management team but also their deepest insights and feelings. Business leader and experienced interim manager, Harley Lovegrove takes his readers on a journey of discovery,...
Today is Tuesday the 7th. September, 2010 and David the CEO of Atlantic Lighting is facing the toughest day of his career. Told from the view point of...