Tampico, Mexico. Population 300,000. Famous for its seafood, beaches and tropical climate. A lovely city. A peaceful city. Until rival drug gangs began fighting for supremacy on its streets. The army, the politicians, the police, the zetas, the cartels. A war that tore the city apart. Caught in the middle were ordinary families facing unbelievable brutality and fear. Tampico resident Diana Angustias tells just how the violence affects ordinary people. People who nevertheless show extraordinary courage and dignity in the face of extreme cruelty. **Revised edition - April 2014**
Tampico, Mexico. Population 300,000. Famous for its seafood, beaches and tropical climate. A lovely city. A peaceful city. Until rival drug gangs bega...
Tampico, Mexico. Poblacion 300.000. Famosa por sus mariscos, playas y clima tropical. Una ciudad encantadora. Una ciudad pacifica. Hasta que las bandas de narcotraficantes rivales comenzaron a luchar por la supremacia en sus calles. El ejercito, los politicos, la policia, los zetas, los carteles. Una guerra que desgarro a la ciudad aparte. Atrapados en el medio eran familias comunes que enfrentan increible brutalidad y miedo. Residente Tampico Diana Angustias dice simplemente que la violencia afecta a la gente comun. Las personas que, sin embargo, muestran un valor extraordinario y la...
Tampico, Mexico. Poblacion 300.000. Famosa por sus mariscos, playas y clima tropical. Una ciudad encantadora. Una ciudad pacifica. Hasta que las banda...
Three years and three months in the English Police. Twenty months as a volunteer Special Constable in the City of London, patrolling the Square Mile. On duty on July 7th and July 21st 2005 in the aftermath of the terrorist attacks. Then nineteen months with Kent Police as a paid Regular officer. If you want a poodle, then buy one. But don't buy a Rottweiler, pull all its teeth out and have it neutered and then complain that it's lost its aggressive edge. The English Police is currently the most emasculating job anyone can ever do if they join up with ideals and a belief that Justice should be...
Three years and three months in the English Police. Twenty months as a volunteer Special Constable in the City of London, patrolling the Square Mile. ...
The story of a Royal Mail postman with three and a half years pounding the streets and three months as an acting manager. How privatisation killed the UK postie.
The story of a Royal Mail postman with three and a half years pounding the streets and three months as an acting manager. How privatisation killed the...