"Snugs The Snow Bear" is the first in a magical series of stories about a lovable, snuggable, huggable polar bear, and his tales of derring-do, along with a menagerie of animal friends. Come and meet Snugs, The Two Moose, Mrs Merryweather, Carla and James, as they take the voyage of a lifetime to a lighthouse on The Isle of Wight, a sunshine island off the South Coast of England, and miles and miles beyond This first adventure will warm your heart as Snugs, in his own unique way, leaves a radiant, magical impression, especially on one little boy and girl.
"Snugs The Snow Bear" is the first in a magical series of stories about a lovable, snuggable, huggable polar bear, and his tales of derring-do, alo...
"Snugs The Snow Bear" is the first in a magical series of stories about a lovable, snuggable, huggable polar bear, and his tales of derring-do, along with a menagerie of animal friends. Come and meet Snugs, The Two Moose, Mrs Merryweather, Carla and James, as they take the voyage of a lifetime to a lighthouse on The Isle of Wight, a sunshine island off the South Coast of England, and miles and miles beyond This first adventure will warm your heart as Snugs, in his own unique way, leaves a radiant, magical impression, especially on one little boy and girl.
"Snugs The Snow Bear" is the first in a magical series of stories about a lovable, snuggable, huggable polar bear, and his tales of derring-do, alo...