Used by universities and company training programs around the world, "Foundations of IT Service Management - the ITIL Course in a Book" is the book to help you achieve your ITIL(R) Foundation certification.
Presented in an easy-to-understand format, the concepts of ITIL and the processes are laid out in a logical sequence. Each lesson is followed by list of key concepts and sample questions to help you study for your ITIL(R) Foundation certification exam. Chapter review questions, modeled after the real exam questions, reinforce your learning for each unit.
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Used by universities and company training programs around the world, "Foundations of IT Service Management - the ITIL Course in a Book" is the book...
Ensure your success on the ITIL Foundation exam with these 100 exam questions with detailed rationale and BONUS sample exam. Each and every question closely resemble the types and format of questions you will experience on your exam. This representative sample of questions covers definitions and terms, process activities and relationships, key concepts and questions from other topics that you will see on your exam.
Ensure your success on the ITIL Foundation exam with these 100 exam questions with detailed rationale and BONUS sample exam. Each and every question c...