Sean McVean and Darci Heffing return in this fourth and final fact-based tale of intrigue, murder and terror based in and around the seaside town of Beaufort, South Carolina. A disgruntled scientist, a dead landlady and some classified data smuggled into the hands of a fanatic are all the facts the authorities have to go on. That, and one man's belief that those three meagre facts add up to the likelihood of a holocaust about to be perpetrated on the unsuspecting people of the United States.
Sean McVean and Darci Heffing return in this fourth and final fact-based tale of intrigue, murder and terror based in and around the seaside town of B...
The Burning Sea by P.D. Saracin is a fictional thriller that takes random terrorist attacks from the headlines and weaves them into a singular missile pointed at destroying the American economy. Using real news from recent memory, and an accurate historical timeline, Saracin manages to interweave a series of tragedies into a well-planned dress rehearsal for a future catastrophic event. In The Burning Sea, authorities know of only two people who can assist in the capture of the mastermind behind the attacks, Raschid Nurideen: Sean McVean and his new bride, Catalina Murchison. The couple met...
The Burning Sea by P.D. Saracin is a fictional thriller that takes random terrorist attacks from the headlines and weaves them into a singular missile...