Short Stories with Little Zack is a collection of children 's stories that can be equally enjoyed by readers of all ages. The first section includes stories Dr. Saidane told his son Zachary during his early childhood years. These stories report on the joys of learning, word puns, storytelling and parental love that help Zack grow fonder of a less materialistic and a fulfilling way of life and learning. Standing on the shoulders of greater intellectual and scientist predecessors, we hope the younger generation may see farther than we did and be able to build a greener and more sustainable...
Short Stories with Little Zack is a collection of children 's stories that can be equally enjoyed by readers of all ages. The first section includes s...
ABOUT THIS BOOK This book is a collection of poems in three languages: English, French and Arabic. These poems emanate from a soul's trials and tribulations in search of deeper emotional and spiritual connections. From the tight grip of matter over mind and soul, to the inquiry into the laws of love, life and nature, the poems gradually endeavor into the highest spiritual states that make one soberly reflect on the fate of the human condition through progressively deeper dives into the interactions of the soul with the body. Thus, the emotions expressed in these poems lead slowly but surely...
ABOUT THIS BOOK This book is a collection of poems in three languages: English, French and Arabic. These poems emanate from a soul's trials and tribul...