Whatever Happened to Community Mental Health? is the story of the beginning of the community mental health movement in the 1960s as displayed through experiences in the inner city of Baltimore in one of the first programs. It portrays bold, groundbreaking initiatives taken by a young staff to deliver services to the impoverished residents while fulfilling their preventive mission. The story is given life in the form of a memoir by one of its earliest staff members and conveys the lessons learned, the viable service model developed as well as the shortcomings of the professional community. The...
Whatever Happened to Community Mental Health? is the story of the beginning of the community mental health movement in the 1960s as displayed through ...
This book was originally published in 1996 and was intended for mental health professionals. Emily and John Visher, who were the founding "parents" of the Stepfamily Association of America, referred to it as the definitive work on stepfamily interventions. It was apparent that it had perfect utility for stepcouples especially when they were working with a professional counselor. Recently the book went out of print. The authors consider it far too important a work to let it disappear and obtained the rights back. In this digital age it is being given new life and has been redesigned as a dual...
This book was originally published in 1996 and was intended for mental health professionals. Emily and John Visher, who were the founding "parents" of...