Pak Mei, or White Eyebrow Kung Fu, was first introduced to the martial world of Guangdong Province, China during the early part of the 20th Century by Master Cheung Lai Chuen. Considered the modern-day founder of this fighting art, Cheung Lai Chuen drew upon his collective combative experiences to formulate a comprehensive system of effective and efficient fighting methods. While its reputation has primarily been built upon its unique approach toward hand-to-hand combat, Pak Mei maintains an equally impressive array of traditional Chinese weaponry within its martial repertoire. Among the...
Pak Mei, or White Eyebrow Kung Fu, was first introduced to the martial world of Guangdong Province, China during the early part of the 20th Century by...
Pak Mei, or White Eyebrow Kung Fu, is a comprehensive classical Chinese martial art masterfully developed by modern-day founder Cheung Lai Chuen during the early part of the 20th Century. Known as an efficient and effective fighting system, Pak Mei Kung Fu is based upon integrated body methods and unified martial movements. In close range combat, these elements were essential to one's survival and continue to be the foundation of a successful self-defense structure. While the concepts, principles, and training methods detailed in this work are unique to Pak Mei Kung Fu, their skills and goals...
Pak Mei, or White Eyebrow Kung Fu, is a comprehensive classical Chinese martial art masterfully developed by modern-day founder Cheung Lai Chuen durin...