Whispers from the Past is the story of Daniel Richards and his eleven-year-old daughter, Kylee, who travel to Holland on a daddy/daughter vacation. While enjoying the usual sights around the country, they also witness several things that are terribly out of place: things that should have only been seen decades before. While attempting to piece the strange puzzle together, they are mysteriously transported back in time to Nazi-occupied Holland. As they attempt to survive their dangerous surroundings, they are sheltered by members of the Dutch resistance who are fighting to liberate their...
Whispers from the Past is the story of Daniel Richards and his eleven-year-old daughter, Kylee, who travel to Holland on a daddy/daughter vacation. Wh...
Thirteen year old Kylee Richards, and her dad Daniel, love the time they spend travelling the world together. They have chosen the lush islands of New Zealand for their latest journey and are thrilled by the natural beauty, the friendliness of the people, and the death defying activities they find all over. Unfortunately, the danger they experience is not of their choosing. They have unwittingly been witnesses to the plan of two heinous criminals, men who will stop at nothing to accomplish their blood-thirsty mission. Now that Kylee and Daniel know who they are, they too become part of their...
Thirteen year old Kylee Richards, and her dad Daniel, love the time they spend travelling the world together. They have chosen the lush islands of New...