A Brief Story of the Christian Faith is an attempt to trace the development of Christianity from its beginnings to the present. The first eight chapters deal with the Early Church. The next eight chapters deal with the Medieval Church, and the final eight chapters deal with the Renewing Church. Some of the chapters are longer than others. but each chapter is designed to be the basis of discussion within an hour or hour and one-half session. This is the Study Guide for the book by the same name.
A Brief Story of the Christian Faith is an attempt to trace the development of Christianity from its beginnings to the present. The first eight chapte...
The Book of Revelation was not written to scare us. There are as many verses of hope in this book as there are verses of disaster. The Book was written to give us hope and to prepare us for the Second Creation, the New Jerusalem. The disasters are aimed at destroying the destroyers of evil, not God's good creation. The Book of Revelation has been divided into twelve sessions. The purpose of breaking it down like this is to enable meaningful small group study and discussion of the final book of the New Testament.
The Book of Revelation was not written to scare us. There are as many verses of hope in this book as there are verses of disaster. The Book was writte...
Sacred Stories is a study of the books of Joshua through Esther. It is a Bible Study Guide which can be used along side of the Bible and an Atlas of the Bible Lands.
Sacred Stories is a study of the books of Joshua through Esther. It is a Bible Study Guide which can be used along side of the Bible and an Atlas of t...