Da, cartea aceasta este o comoara sufleteasca, un pretios giuvaer de familie, un document impresionant uman, plin de invataminte. Ea depune marturie despre o viata de om care a inceput cu frumusetea curata a copilariei, cu visele si zburdalnicia adolescentei, a continuat cu injghebarea unui camin si primele realizari ale tineretei increzatoare si harnice, a trecut prin valtoarea evenimentelor dramatice ale razboaielor, pastrand demnitatea si curajul, a fost lovita de primele pierderi, de nedreptatile, impilarile si stramtorarile tot mai mari ale vremii, a inregistrat cu melancolie golirea...
Da, cartea aceasta este o comoara sufleteasca, un pretios giuvaer de familie, un document impresionant uman, plin de invataminte. Ea depune marturie d...
With great pleasure I welcome you to the 40th ARA Congress in Montreal, Canada. We are excited to be in the city of Montreal once again, as the Congress has been previously held here in 1990 and 2001. This year's Congress promises to be a highly rewarding experience on an intellectual and social level. Speakers are expected to present revolutionary ideas in technology, medicine, education, arts/culture, and other fields that mark our lives and shape our future. This Congress marks 40 years since the first ARA Congress was held in Berkeley, CA. The congress was originally designed to provide a...
With great pleasure I welcome you to the 40th ARA Congress in Montreal, Canada. We are excited to be in the city of Montreal once again, as the Congre...