An unabridged edition, sub-titled: Christianity Not As A Mystic Religion But As A New Theory Of Life; to include: The Doctrine of Nonresistance to Evil by Force Has Been Professed By A Minority of Men from the Very Foundation of Christianity - Criticisms of the Doctrine of Non-Resistance to Evil by Force On The Part Of Believers & Of Unbelievers - Christianity Misunderstood By Believers - Christianity Misunderstood By Men of Science - Contradiction Between Our Life And Our Christian Conscience - Attitude of Men of the Present Day to War - Significance of Compulsory Service - Doctrine of...
An unabridged edition, sub-titled: Christianity Not As A Mystic Religion But As A New Theory Of Life; to include: The Doctrine of Nonresistance to Evi...
A wounded solider vanishes into notoriety. A nose is found in a loaf of bread. Places - like the Nevesky Prospect - are not what they seem. Nikolai Gogol was one of the nineteenth century's greatest and most influential Russian writers, a realist whose witty and acerbic observations and his taste for the absurd give his writing its strange, comic voice. Selected from the work of Constance Garnett, one of Gogol's earliest translators, this edition presents a new, exclusive collection of Gogol's short fiction, selected and lightly revised by Natasha Randall. Contextualized by...
A wounded solider vanishes into notoriety. A nose is found in a loaf of bread. Places - like the Nevesky Prospect - are not what they seem. ...