A charming tale of woodland creatures and the town's quirky news reporter who is determined to get the scoop on the newest resident in town, but always seems to be one step behind.
A charming tale of woodland creatures and the town's quirky news reporter who is determined to get the scoop on the newest resident in town, but alway...
In this follow-up to Thurston T. Turtle Moves to Hubbleville, our endearing newcomer is settling in when he notices everyones homemade butter cookies and lemonade taste the same. However, stories of the recipes origins are quite different. While Mr. Turtles second grade class uncovers other similarities, it is the discovery of old letters, help from the scattered Mr. Possum and a visit to an old family friend that converge to reveal the legend of the lemonade. And the butter cookies, too, of course!
In this follow-up to Thurston T. Turtle Moves to Hubbleville, our endearing newcomer is settling in when he notices everyones homemade butter cookies ...
In the third Thurston T. Turtle book, Mr. Turtle is being followed. Or is he simply seeing things? A hoodlum is spilling Mr. Possum's trash at night. Or so he suspects. Who could be causing such confusion in Hubbleville? The floppy-eared, snuggly suspect is sure to capture Mr. Turtle's heart. And yours, too
In the third Thurston T. Turtle book, Mr. Turtle is being followed. Or is he simply seeing things? A hoodlum is spilling Mr. Possum's trash at night. ...