Everything about this trip to Grandma s house was different:
First, because of the fire, Mrs. Treski, Evan, and Jessie had driven up to Grandma s two days after Christmas instead of the day before, missing Christmas with Grandma entirely.
Second, the fire had left a hole in the back kitchen wall big enough to drive a car through And with Grandma in the hospital and not in her house, everything felt off.
Third, someone had climbed the long, slow slope of Lovell Hill to the top and had stolen the old iron bell hanging on its heavy wooden crossbeam.
Who on earth...
Everything about this trip to Grandma s house was different:
First, because of the fire, Mrs. Treski, Evan, and Jessie had driven up to Gran...
Following the laws of our legal system, Evan and Jessie's fourth grade class concocts a courtroom on the playground, putting Scott Spencer, alleged thief, on trial. They create a legitimate courtroom--with a judge, witnesses, a jury of their peers--and surprising consequences. As she explores the difficulties of fairness, Jacqueline Davies once again reveals how good she is at understanding the complex emotions of children this age.
Following the laws of our legal system, Evan and Jessie's fourth grade class concocts a courtroom on the playground, putting Scott Spencer, alleged...