In the Atlantic Ocean there is an island where the Muchia, a golden yellow flower lives. The perfect ballance existing in nature makes things pure and clear to us and allow us to express some values, feelings and gain more wisdom. So she speaks to birds and to other plants around about the Seven Magic Rays. She tells that they are rays of a special sun that lays in Human hearts representing a character and a certain energy: the Strenght, the Wisdom, the Inteligence, the Balance, the Concentration, the Loyalty and Freedom. She makes considerations about each ray that remind us what we once...
In the Atlantic Ocean there is an island where the Muchia, a golden yellow flower lives. The perfect ballance existing in nature makes things pure and...
A histOria dos Sete Raios MAgicos E contada pela MUchia Dourada, uma flor Unica, exclusiva da Madeira. Muitos chegam apressados para ouvir a MUchia falar sobre um sol especial dentro de nOs que liberta raios que mudam tudo e todos. Esses raios penetram no coraCAo dos humanos e depois saem atravEs das suas aCOes. SAo formas de energia que criam a vontade, o amor, a inteligEncia, a harmonia, a concentraCAo, a lealdade e a liberdade. Sem elas nAo podemos entrar no Reino da PerfeiCAo, onde habitam seres lindos com muita luz.
The story of the Seven Magical Rays is told by the...
A histOria dos Sete Raios MAgicos E contada pela MUchia Dourada, uma flor Unica, exclusiva da Madeira. Muitos chegam apressados para ouvir a...