Unquenched Thirst is the erotic story of love, passion, and intense emotion between two people who, after spanning 50 years of diverse existences, living lives poles apart, reunite. What separates this book from other tales of erotica is that Unquenched Thirst is nonfiction. Both elegant and intellectual, it is also autobiographical, something rarely found in this genre. The story unfolds, communicating the journey of two people who have not spoken or seen each other for 50 years, and steadily builds to a crescendo as told alternately by one man and one woman. Their high school romance...
Unquenched Thirst is the erotic story of love, passion, and intense emotion between two people who, after spanning 50 years of diverse existences, liv...
BooCat: Living in My Lap is the third in a series about a unique cat, who, as in BooCat: Dancing Naked in the Rain, shares the authorship with her human counterpart. As with the first two books, this volume is laced with humor and interspersed with inspiration. Like the original BooCat Unleashed, where complicated cat meets complex old woman who together create the glue to patch up eachother's emotional psyches, this volume continues in much that same vein. The fun delivery with BooCat putting in her two-cent's worth keeps the humor flowing, making the human-cat relationship enjoyable to...
BooCat: Living in My Lap is the third in a series about a unique cat, who, as in BooCat: Dancing Naked in the Rain, shares the authorship with her hum...
"BooCat Throws a Frisbee" is the fourth in a series about a unique cat, however, BooCat takes things in a whole different direction this time. Previously, BooCat shared authorship with her real human in "BooCat: Dancing Naked in the Rain" and "BooCat: Living in my Lap." However, in "BooCat Throws a Frisbee" she takes center stage and does not share authorship with anyone. The complete novel is presented through BooCat's eyes, rolling off her sarcastic but humorous tongue. Taking place in Louisiana, the story unfold with BooCat relocated in a brand new household. Her new human and her human's...
"BooCat Throws a Frisbee" is the fourth in a series about a unique cat, however, BooCat takes things in a whole different direction this time. Previou...
Welcome to NORMAL, suspenseful psychological thriller that explores the darker side of love gone wrong. Willow, the main character, is married for 20 years and is blindly happy until the moment she learns she has been living a lie and wonders how she missed the warning signals. What begins as a broken marriage turns into a nightmare that will not end. It goes on and on until finally, emotionally distraught, Willow takes a stand. She must or she cannot survive. She vows she will not allow her ex-husband to terrorize her any longer. She is determined to get on with her life. With a newfound...
Welcome to NORMAL, suspenseful psychological thriller that explores the darker side of love gone wrong. Willow, the main character, is married for 20 ...
With Willow's ex-husband in prison, everything should be perfect between her and husband, Patrick, but something is going on that causes irritation, distrust and absolute fear. Someone is tracking Willow's every move; there's danger everywhere she turns. Patrick is skeptical and even suspects Willow has developed an overly active imagination, but then, something unimaginable happens, and their lives come unraveled. Each time the couple believe they have overcome the worst possible that could happen, another horror appears on the horizon. Can the pieces be put back together before time runs...
With Willow's ex-husband in prison, everything should be perfect between her and husband, Patrick, but something is going on that causes irritation, d...