Be present, connect more effectively, all while being as productive as possible 5 Gears: How to Be Present and Productive When There Is Never Enough Time teaches you to shift into the right gear at the right time so that you can grow in your relational intelligence and increase your influence. This revolutionary text introduces you to the five different gears, or mindsets, that carry you through various facets of your day. These include:
First gear--when you fully rest and recharge
Second gear--when you connect with family or friends without the involvement of...
Be present, connect more effectively, all while being as productive as possible 5 Gears: How to Be Present and Productive When There Is Never ...
Discover your leadership voice and unlock your potential to influence others
5 Voices is the code for unlocking your capacity to have honest conversations and build deeper, more authentic relationships with your teams, your families and your friends. In order to lead others effectively, we need a true understanding of ourselves, our natural tendencies and patterns of behavior. In learning what your leadership voice sounds like to others, you will discover what it feels like to be on the other side of your personality, as well as how to hear and value others' voices, namely...
Discover your leadership voice and unlock your potential to influence others
5 Voices is the code for unlocking your capacity to have...