Jane Edna Hunter Rhondda Robinson Thomas Joycelyn Moody
Virtually unknown outside of her adopted hometown of Cleveland, Ohio, Jane Edna Harris Hunter was one of the most influential African American social activists of the early-to mid-twentieth century. In her autobiography"A Nickel and a Prayer," Hunter presents an enlightening two-part narrative that recollects her formative years in post-Civil War South and her activist years in Cleveland. First published in 1940, Hunter s autobiography recalls a childhood filled with the pleasures and pains of family life on the former plantation where her ancestors had toiled, adventures and achievements in...
Virtually unknown outside of her adopted hometown of Cleveland, Ohio, Jane Edna Harris Hunter was one of the most influential African American social ...
Jane Edna Hunter Rhondda Robinson Thomas Joycelyn Moody
Virtually unknown outside of her hometown of Cleveland, Ohio, Jane Edna Harris Hunter was one of the most influential African American social activists of the early-to mid-twentieth century. In her autobiography A Nickel and a Prayer, Hunter presents an enlightening two-part narrative that recollects her formative years in post-Civil War South and her activist years in Cleveland.
Virtually unknown outside of her hometown of Cleveland, Ohio, Jane Edna Harris Hunter was one of the most influential African American social activist...