Sequel to the result of the referendum a lot of question has been arising, in order to fully comprehend what the whole thing is all about. Some questions like, "What is EU" "What is BREXIT" "What happens if we leave EU" has been widely asked. This article was actually written to clarify the readers on what the whole process actually meant and the implication therein.
Sequel to the result of the referendum a lot of question has been arising, in order to fully comprehend what the whole thing is all about. Some questi...
A lot of promises have been made by the two presidential candidates front runners, but having been highlighted as regards to their background and their proposals on how to tackle some of the pressing need facing America today a big question is left to be answered, hence HILLARY CLINTON AND DONALD TRUMP WHO SUITS THE WHITE HOUSE? The book compares the candidates without bias and gives the reader a broad knowledge of the things he/she needs to know before taking decision on whom to vote in the upcoming presidential election.
A lot of promises have been made by the two presidential candidates front runners, but having been highlighted as regards to their background and thei...