Dear Heavenly Father, You asked who will worship You. I will worship You for being the True and Living God. I know You are my Creator and my Lord. I thank You for being all wisdom to me. You have guided me in all truth, and I want You to know I appreciate all the things You have done for me. I worship You for being my Healer. You had to show me that You are the God who performs miracles all by yourself. I thank You for healing my body. Through my trials You were by my side. I will worship You for all the things You have done for me. You are all I will ever need. I will put my trust in...
Dear Heavenly Father, You asked who will worship You. I will worship You for being the True and Living God. I know You are my Creator and my L...
Dear heavenly Father, I come to You with a grateful heart today. I thank you for giving me the opportunity to be used by You. My heart is overwhelmed that You saw me and decided to use me for this great work. I thank you for the anointing that has been placed upon me, and I will cherish it all the days of my life. If You should find me growing weary in this walk, I ask You to continue to strengthen me. I pray that I will always be able to hear Your voice. I love You very much, and I call You my best friend. In Jesus' name, amen.
Dear heavenly Father, I come to You with a grateful heart today. I thank you for giving me the opportunity to be used by You. My heart is over...