The Jangala Tribal Warriors series is based on the concepts in Tribal Warriors for middle and high school youth. Children are better off when they learn at a young age how to handle their feelings, conflicts and how to have healthy and strong relationships. The concepts are based on positive psychology, a heart-centered use of language and rational thinking skill building. Children learn about non-violence and peaceful living in an effort to stand against violence and for peace and harmony. Most importantly the focus is on their strengths and what is going strong rather than what goes wrong....
The Jangala Tribal Warriors series is based on the concepts in Tribal Warriors for middle and high school youth. Children are better off when they lea...
The Jangala Tribal Warriors series is based on the concepts in Tribal Warriors for middle and high school youth. Children are better off when they learn at a young age how to handle their feelings, conflicts and how to have healthy and strong relationships. The concepts are based on positive psychology, a heart-centered use of language and rational thinking skill building. Children learn about non-violence and peaceful living in an effort to stand against violence and for peace and harmony. Most importantly the focus is on their strengths and what is going strong rather than what goes wrong....
The Jangala Tribal Warriors series is based on the concepts in Tribal Warriors for middle and high school youth. Children are better off when they lea...