Ce livre prA(c)sente une introduction A la gestion de projet dans un environnement de dA(c)veloppement de systA]mes informatiques de moyenne A grande envergures. Il est structurA(c) de maniA]re A permettre au lecteur d''assimiler les A(c)lA(c)ments de gestion d''un projet informatique A partir de sa conception initiale jusqu''A sa phase de livraison du produit fini A l''usager. On y couvre donc, non seulement les A(c)lA(c)ments de gestion mais aussi ceux, plus pratiques, de dA(c)marrage, de l''A(c)laboration, de l''exA(c)cution et de clAture d''un projet. Une table des matiA]res...
Ce livre prA(c)sente une introduction A la gestion de projet dans un environnement de dA(c)veloppement de systA]mes informatiques de moyenne A grande ...
Ces notes de cours ont A(c)voluA(c)es A partir d''un ensemble de cours donnA(c)s durant une pA(c)riode d''une dizaine d''annA(c)es, aux Hautes A0/00tudes Commerciales (HEC) de l''UniversitA(c) de MontrA(c)al et des cours donnA(c)s A la FacultA(c) des Sciences de l''UniversitA(c) de Sherbrooke. Elles reflA]tent une A(c)volution constante des approches mA(c)thodologiques du dA(c)veloppement des systA]mes d''informations et de leurs applications dans la pratique. Les mA(c)thodes qui en dA(c)coulent s''avA]rent particuliA]rement intA(c)ressantes aux professionnels dA(c)sirant approfondir leurs...
Ces notes de cours ont A(c)voluA(c)es A partir d''un ensemble de cours donnA(c)s durant une pA(c)riode d''une dizaine d''annA(c)es, aux Hautes A0/00tu...
L''objectif du livre est de fournir au lecteur des outils de gestion visant A maA(R)triser d''une faAon pragmatique les techniques structurA(c)es de design de systA]mes d''informations. Une attention particuliA]re est accordA(c)e aux liens existants entre la conception des systA]mes et la conception des bases de donnA(c)es. Ce livre a A(c)voluA(c) A partir d''un ensemble de cours donnA(c)s durant une pA(c)riode d''une dizaine d''annA(c)es, aux Hautes A0/00tudes Commerciales (HEC) de l''UniversitA(c) de MontrA(c)al et des cours donnA(c)s A la FacultA(c) des Sciences de l''UniversitA(c) de...
L''objectif du livre est de fournir au lecteur des outils de gestion visant A maA(R)triser d''une faAon pragmatique les techniques structurA(c)es de d...
How do executives make decisions? Based on what? Are their decisions conscious or unconscious? Can they explain each decision they make? What tools can they use to improve their decision-making process? What rules of thumb (heuristics) can they use when faced with decision-making challenges? These are some of the questions this book is about.
During the past 30 years, as an entrepreneur and senior executive of several medium-sized Canadian hi-tech businesses, the author observed his decision-making processes to be based either on experience or on advice received from colleagues....
How do executives make decisions? Based on what? Are their decisions conscious or unconscious? Can they explain each decision they make? What tools...
Measuring shareholder value has become crucial in the current economic environment, especially following the consistent pressure from institutional shareholders on companies to create shareholder value in an adverse economic environment. Maximizing the company's value will make the company less appealing to hostile takeovers. Takeovers are a capital market mechanism designed to control the conflicts of interest between shareholders and managers of the company.
In this study, we will examine the best methods used in measuring shareholder value, and furthermore explore the process of...
Measuring shareholder value has become crucial in the current economic environment, especially following the consistent pressure from institutional...
Service Design and Delivery has been broadly discussed and explored by various players, including the practitioners who deliver services, scholarly professionals who evaluate it, and laymen who are the recipients of service. In this book, we will examine two specific approaches to this task: Design Thinking and Societal Consideration. In other words, we will look at Service Design and Delivery from the innovator's viewpoint as well as from the viewpoint of the social entrepreneur. Consequently, it is important to design services not only for profit maximization but also for social...
Service Design and Delivery has been broadly discussed and explored by various players, including the practitioners who deliver services, scholarly...
This book is intended to provide project management office (PMO) executives' practical information to promote enterprise Agile for business value compatibility within their organization. The primary benefit of this book is to promote a sense of common purpose and collaboration between the project delivery and the organization.
Agile project delivery methods are adaptable to the emergence of unknown requirements identified in the later part of the project delivery lifecycle. The key success factor is direct business participation and collaboration to ensure that a business focus...
This book is intended to provide project management office (PMO) executives' practical information to promote enterprise Agile for business value c...
This book, based on case studies in the healthcare sector, reveals a working strategy that explores a well-kept secret of top management: that a more balanced gender distribution on the boards of healthcare organizations results in an improvement of the organization's overall performance. Organizational success for healthcare institutions depends in part on insuring that an organization's management team possesses and reflects key characteristics that can predict that success. By further linking these characteristics to gender, the research suggests that it is reasonable to assume that an...
This book, based on case studies in the healthcare sector, reveals a working strategy that explores a well-kept secret of top management: that a mo...
Money laundering may occur in every country. The significant factor is to diagnose the illegal money laundering activity and apply regulations to mitigate MLAs. To meet this objective, managers of financial institutions need to train their employees about anti-money laundering processes and how to diagnose money laundering. Anti-money laundering activities can also affect the financial systems of a country. "Money laundering destabilizes the foundation of a nation's financial system by reducing tax revenues and impeding fair competition by ultimately disrupting economic development" (World...
Money laundering may occur in every country. The significant factor is to diagnose the illegal money laundering activity and apply regulations to miti...