Based on both the Sixth International Symposium on Intelligent Distributed Computing, and the Fourth International Workshop on Multi-Agent Systems Technology and Semantics, this volume explores the theory and applications of intelligent distributed computing and multi-agent systems.
Based on both the Sixth International Symposium on Intelligent Distributed Computing, and the Fourth International Workshop on Multi-Agent Systems Tec...
The emergent ?eld of Intelligent Distributed Computing brings together two wellestablishedareasofComputerScience: DistributedComputingandC- putational Intelligence. Theoretical foundations and practical applications of Intelligent Distributed Computing set the premises for the new generation of intelligent distributed information systems. Intelligent Distributed Computing - IDC Symposium Series was started as an initiative of research groups from: (i) Systems Research Institute, P- ish Academy of Sciences in Warsaw, Poland and (ii) Software Engineering Department of the University of Craiova,...
The emergent ?eld of Intelligent Distributed Computing brings together two wellestablishedareasofComputerScience: DistributedComputingandC- putational...
This book represents the combined peer-reviewed proceedings of the Sixth International Symposium on Intelligent Distributed Computing -- IDC 2012, of the International Workshop on Agents for Cloud -- A4C 2012 and of the Fourth International Workshop on Multi-Agent Systems Technology and Semantics -- MASTS 2012. All the events were held in Calabria, Italy during September 24-26, 2012. The 37 contributions published in this book address many topics related to theory and applications of intelligent distributed computing and multi-agent systems, including: adaptive and autonomous distributed...
This book represents the combined peer-reviewed proceedings of the Sixth International Symposium on Intelligent Distributed Computing -- IDC 2012, of ...