Archaeological and scientific discoveries made by Michael Tellinger, Johan Heine and a team of leading scientists, show that the Sumerians and even the Egyptians inherited all their knowledge from an earlier civilisation that lived at the southern tip of Africa more than 200,000 years ago. This book graphically exposes these discoveries.
Archaeological and scientific discoveries made by Michael Tellinger, Johan Heine and a team of leading scientists, show that the Sumerians and even th...
UBUNTU Contributionism A Blueprint For Human Prosperity The path that brought us here as a species is not only filled with lies and deception of unimaginable proportion, but also with continuous manipulation of the human race that goes back thousands of years - all controlled by money. Michael Tellinger has come full circle since his epic "Slave Species of god" in 2006, by proposing a blueprint for the emancipation of the slave species called humanity. Tellinger exposes the previously misunderstood origins of money and the rise of the royal banking elite that have controlled the world for...
UBUNTU Contributionism A Blueprint For Human Prosperity The path that brought us here as a species is not only filled with lies and deception of unima...