"The Tribulation Strategy: Faith in the Coming Storm" is a unique examination of apocalyptic texts. Unlike other viewpoints, The Tribulation Strategy focuses on the reasons behind end-time events. Readers will find within answers to the following questions:
1. Why do good people suffer?
2. What is the purpose of the Great Tribulation?
3. Is God really in control?
4. When will the rapture take place?
5. Can Christians lose their salvation?
6. What is the significance of the marks of the beast?
7. What is the image of the beast?
"The Tribulation Strategy: Faith in the Coming Storm" is a unique examination of apocalyptic texts. Unlike other viewpoints, The Tribulation Strategy ...
"The Tribulation Strategy: Faith in the Coming Storm" is a unique examination of apocalyptic texts. Unlike other viewpoints, The Tribulation Strategy focuses on the reasons behind end-time events. Readers will find within answers to the following questions:
1. Why do good people suffer?
2. What is the purpose of the Great Tribulation?
3. Is God really in control?
4. When will the rapture take place?
5. Can Christians lose their salvation?
6. What is the significance of the marks of the beast?
7. What is the image of the beast?
"The Tribulation Strategy: Faith in the Coming Storm" is a unique examination of apocalyptic texts. Unlike other viewpoints, The Tribulation Strategy ...