One cansay that the ?eld ofcomputationalneurosciencestarted with the 1952paper ofHodgkinandHuxleyin whichtheydescribe, throughnonlinearpartialdifferential equations, the genesis of the action potential in the giant axon of the squid. These equations and the methods that arose from this combination of modeling and - periments have since formed the basis for nearly every subsequent model for active cells.TheHodgkin-Huxleymodelandahostofsimpli?edequationsthatarederived fromit haveinspiredthedevelopmentofnewandbeautifulmathematics.Dynamical systems and computational methods are now being used to...
One cansay that the ?eld ofcomputationalneurosciencestarted with the 1952paper ofHodgkinandHuxleyin whichtheydescribe, throughnonlinearpartialdifferen...