Based on a two-year public weblog, this volume reflects a vast array of perspectives on how urbanites relate to time. In a city, where time is perceived in ways varying from commuter flows to seasonal blossoms, it 's a fascinating and diverse range of views.
Based on a two-year public weblog, this volume reflects a vast array of perspectives on how urbanites relate to time. In a city, where time is perc...
This book focuses on the creation of space as an activity. The argument draws not only on aspects of movement in time, but also on a cultural and specifically social context influencing the creation of the spatial habitus. The book reconsiders existing theories of time and space in the field of urban planning and develops an updated account of spatial activity, experience and space-making. Recent developments in spatial practice, specifically related to new technologies, make this an important and timely task. Integrating spatial-temporal dynamics into the way we think about cities aids the...
This book focuses on the creation of space as an activity. The argument draws not only on aspects of movement in time, but also on a cultural and spec...
This book is very much about what the name urbanTick literally says, about the ticking of the urban, the urban as we experience it everyday on the bus, in the park or between buildings. It is about the big orchestrated mass migration of commuters, the seasonal blossoms of the trees along the walkway and the frequency of the stamping rubbish-eater-trucks. It is also, not to forget, about climate, infrastructure, opening hours, term times, parking meters, time tables, growing shadows and moon light. But most of all it is about how all this is experienced by citizens on a daily basis and how...
This book is very much about what the name urbanTick literally says, about the ticking of the urban, the urban as we experience it everyday on the bus...
The argument draws not only on aspects of movement in time, but also on a cultural and specifically social context influencing the creation of the spatial habitus. The book reconsiders existing theories of time and space in the field of urban planning and develops an updated account of spatial activity, experience and space-making.
The argument draws not only on aspects of movement in time, but also on a cultural and specifically social context influencing the creation of the spa...