On June 4, 2009, President Barack Hussein Obama was in Cairo, Egypt talking about Islam to a Muslim audience. What did this speech show about President Obama's understanding of Islam? Starting with quotes from that Cairo speech, Dr. Stephen M. Kirby then examines Obama's two autobiographies, canonical texts of Islam, and surveys of Muslim-Americans to answer that question. In the epilogue of this handbook Dr. Kirby looks into the Obama administration's response to the June 1, 2009 shooting of two Army privates outside the Little Rock, Arkansas Army recruiting station. The shooting was done by...
On June 4, 2009, President Barack Hussein Obama was in Cairo, Egypt talking about Islam to a Muslim audience. What did this speech show about Presiden...
Since the jihadist attacks against the United States on September 11, 2001, numerous non-Muslims, including many of our political leaders, have tried to tell Americans what Islam "is." Unfortunately, many, if not most of these non-Muslims appeared to have relatively little knowledge about Islam. Consequently, efforts to understand Islam commonly start out by referring to it as "the Religion of Peace," and the terms "moderate" and "radical" have come to dominate our conversations about Islam. For that reason, Dr. Stephen M. Kirby has written this book to allow the Koran, "the Prophet"...
Since the jihadist attacks against the United States on September 11, 2001, numerous non-Muslims, including many of our political leaders, have tried ...