My Search For Love On Craigslist is a collection of 50 personals ads I placed on Craigslist over a span of one year. Basically, these are genuine ads with a genuine objective, and that is to find love on Craigslist. After the first 3 ads, I decided to start using different personae to spice things up. That's when things started getting pretty wild and crazy and hopefully entertaining. I also kept a tally of responses, correspondences and games of Scrabble each ad led to. I'm kind of obsessed with Scrabble.
My Search For Love On Craigslist is a collection of 50 personals ads I placed on Craigslist over a span of one year. Basically, these are genuine ads ...
Godbolt is the first book in The Godbolt Trinity Series. It introduces the main character of the series, Chris Bontey or Godbolt, as well as the two secondary main characters, Kevin Sarcy or The Mindwriter and Blastus Legend or the Anti-Nigger Machine. Chris Bontey or Godbolt is a 23-year-old Chinese food delivery driver and lackluster college student who misses his medication and as a result seems to develop super powers. This first book shows Bontey dealing with this discovery and the realization he must quit his meds altogether. Also, Bontey realizes he needs to find a teacher to help him...
Godbolt is the first book in The Godbolt Trinity Series. It introduces the main character of the series, Chris Bontey or Godbolt, as well as the two s...