An adventurous, animated tale of six skilled predators; a lion, a lioness, a collie, two afghans and a Siberian tiger who are called upon by their animal nation to destroy an enemy fortress built upon a mountain top overlooking the narrow straits between two continents. The fortress has a protected bunker housing four powerful cannons which prevent safe passage through the straits. The team of six, known as Eagle Canyon Squadrion, have four days to infiltrate occupied enemy territory, get to the fortress, and destroy the cannons to allow six ships to pass through the straits to rescue a group...
An adventurous, animated tale of six skilled predators; a lion, a lioness, a collie, two afghans and a Siberian tiger who are called upon by their ani...
The Missiles of Lisburne is the second installment in the Eagle Canyon Squadron series. This paramilitary group is led by Commander D.C. Lionstar, United Species command pilot and lion. It is the responsibility of his team to seek out and engage specific threats to the animal nation of Noam (North America) at the direction of General Zoar, an eagle in charge of all Noam forces. The core members of the group include; twin lioness trusted agents, a collie demolitions expert, a shepherd expatriate soldier, a Siberian tiger tank commander, a widowed Afghan trusted agent, and a technical savvy...
The Missiles of Lisburne is the second installment in the Eagle Canyon Squadron series. This paramilitary group is led by Commander D.C. Lionstar, Uni...