In the beginning, God said, "Let us make man in our own image, after our own likeness and let them rule over everything we have created." The question is, which part of a human being is made in the image of God? Some scholars feel that our reason, creativity, speech and self-determination are the image or nature of God. Man was created an intellectual, creative being, which is God's nature. The Devil is a strategist; the bible says he is like a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour. Satan's best weapon is making people believe that he does not exist. The Lord has not left us at the mercy of...
In the beginning, God said, "Let us make man in our own image, after our own likeness and let them rule over everything we have created." The question...
Life is like a maze, and we often need guidance to ensure we reach our destination. God wants to guide man in the same way that he guides the fish in the ocean and the birds in the sky. Counselling is one of the most important parts of a Christian Minister's role, and it is a role that must be studied if it is to be performed to God's will. Giving guidance through Godly counselling is the best way to ensure that we all get through this maze together and enjoy the safe and rewarding life that God wants for us all. We all need peace of mind; this can only come from having a spirit which is free...
Life is like a maze, and we often need guidance to ensure we reach our destination. God wants to guide man in the same way that he guides the fish in ...
In my journeys as a minister, I have seen the lack of order in the charismatic churches. Believers are empowered and excited to do ministry but lack direction and guidance, resulting in chaos. Sometimes you hear such sentiments as "God is not afraid of noise." The truth of the matter however is that God is not the author of chaos but rather a God of order. God has principles and a pattern of how his work should be carried out with excellency and dignity, fit for a King of Kings. Let us look at these priorities as revealed to John by the Lord Jesus in Revelation 11:1. Let us,...
In my journeys as a minister, I have seen the lack of order in the charismatic churches. Believers are empowered and excited to do ministry but lac...
The Prophetic ministry deals mainly with three areas as shown below. Failure to understand these areas and the purpose of prophecy has caused many people to fall into a lot of problems, some have been ship wrecked. I have personally witnessed friends who were given awesome prophesies and they have since died without ever achieving a single one of those prophesies. What do we say then, were the prophesies wrong; not necessarily but there is more to prophesy than just receiving a word. It is this lack of understanding which has cost many so much as they failed to enter into what God had...
The Prophetic ministry deals mainly with three areas as shown below. Failure to understand these areas and the purpose of prophecy has caused many ...