The present study seeks to examine the genesis, development, and proliferation of multilateral environmental agreements (MEAs) in-built law-making mechanisms and processes of institutionalization and their ad hoc treaty-based status and the issue of the legal personality of their secretariats. It provides legal understanding of the location of MEA secretariats within an existing international host institution, as well as discussion of the issue of relationship agreements and interpretation of the commonly used language that triggers such relationships. It places under scrutiny the standard...
The present study seeks to examine the genesis, development, and proliferation of multilateral environmental agreements (MEAs) in-built law-making mec...
International Environmental Governance: Towards UNEPO offers a significant contribution to practitioners and scholars involved in international debates regarding environmental governance. Clarifying the insufficiency of the 1972 UN General Assembly's model of a small UN Environment Programme in helping nations stem the accumulating degradation of the environment across the globe, the work poses the remaining question: how should international environmental governance be accomplished? The volume is timely in its examination of the post-Rio+20 period, and furthermore addresses the vital...
International Environmental Governance: Towards UNEPO offers a significant contribution to practitioners and scholars involved in international...