At the dawn of a killer colonial winter, starving and desperate to live, a brave band of animals escape the tyranny of their human masters. Led by a visionary stallion, they brave miles of wilderness and a treacherous river crossing to start a homeland of their own--Animal Colony. There, they find freedom and prosperity...for a while. But a strange new belief system invades Animal Colony. The humble beasts must then learn to tell truth from enticing lie, or risk losing everything for which they've fought and bled. Over fifty years ago, Animal Farm used a story of animals on a farm to almost...
At the dawn of a killer colonial winter, starving and desperate to live, a brave band of animals escape the tyranny of their human masters. Led by a v...
Many of us are confused about which side of the great political divide we actually stand on. How can we know? RED or BLUE... Which View Is Best For You? gives you inside knowledge for making your best choice between our nation's, and our time's, two competing worldviews. You'll know at last... which view is best for you? Thomas Allen Rexroth, co-author of the grassroots phenomenon Animal Colony, guides you through the real reasons why politicians say and do the things they do. It's more than a party line: it's how they see the world. This fascinating book will equip you with the real...
Many of us are confused about which side of the great political divide we actually stand on. How can we know? RED or BLUE... Which View Is Best For Yo...