Introduction /Andre s Torres Queiruga, Luiz Carlos Susin, Jon Sobrino -- Death and its religious "management" in human history /Karl-Heinz Ohlig -- Dying and rising again in a popular tradition /Diego Irarrazaval -- On dying hard: lessons from popular crucifixions and undisciplined resurrections in Latin America /Marcella Maria Althaus-Reid -- Resurrection in the Israelite tradition /Sene n Vidal -- Jesus raised as "primrose" of shared resurrection /Giuseppe Barbaglio -- Metaphysical aspects of the concept of resurrection /Thomas Scha rtl -- The resurrection of nature: an aspect of cosmic...
Introduction /Andre s Torres Queiruga, Luiz Carlos Susin, Jon Sobrino -- Death and its religious "management" in human history /Karl-Heinz Ohlig -- Dy...
Contents Editorial Part One: Sacramentalizing Human History Edward Schillebeeckx's Reflections on the Sacraments and the Future of Catholic Theology ERIK BORGMAN The Eucharist: Remembrance, Anticipation, Real Presence JENNIFER COOPER The Sacraments: Real Event vs Empty Symbolism or Occult Magic ANDRES TORRES QUEIRUGA Sacrament Today: The Affirmation of the 'Other' JOHNSON SILUVAIPILLAI The Liturgical Profundity of the Ethically Mundane BEN KAUTZER The Ups and Downs, Highs and Lows, and Practicalities of Ecclesiological Analysis PAUL D. MURRAY...
Contents Editorial Part One: Sacramentalizing Human History Edward Schillebeeckx's Reflections on the Sacraments and the Future of Catholic...