"Stormy" Enduring a lonely childhood, growing up in a mountain shack with negligent parents, Stormy Garrison learns to deal with hardships. Following her mother's desertion, and father's death, she is rescued by a long-lost sister who offers the teenager a new life, with a loving family. Years later, on an errand to the semi-ghost town of Shawnee, Ohio, to purchase an antique clock for her sister's anniversary, Stormy is fascinated by a secluded garden. While exploring "Elaine's Garden," she opens a hidden door, and is swept into the current of time, transported back to 1882 when the...
"Stormy" Enduring a lonely childhood, growing up in a mountain shack with negligent parents, Stormy Garrison learns to deal with hardships. Following ...
Fate Steps In Following his return stateside from Iraq, former Marine medic, Trace Conner, is fearful of reacting violently each time he experiences a wartime flashback has chosen to live in virtual isolationin a primitive cabin, perched ona West Virginia mountainside. Tracediscovers an emptyvehicle burning in a deep ravine, butfinds achild, thrown clear of the wreckage, but withno means of contacting outside help, he carries the unconscious boy back to his cabin. While treatingtheinjured body, Trace learnsthe child is deaf, which causes him torethink his obligation toturnhim over to...
Fate Steps In Following his return stateside from Iraq, former Marine medic, Trace Conner, is fearful of reacting violently each time he experiences a...