The story begins in May 2008 where our hero, Jonathan Dobeck, now 89 years old lies dying in Walter Reed Hospital. At the same time his wife and children are at the White House where the President is about to award Jon the Medal of Honor. The story then travels back in time to 1941 when Jon and his future wife, Lauren meet. He is at MIT studying complex puzzles and deciphering codes. His brilliance does not go unnoticed by the Signal Security Agency, a forerunner of the CIA, and he is recruited by it to help in the code-breaking activities against our enemies during the war. During his tenure...
The story begins in May 2008 where our hero, Jonathan Dobeck, now 89 years old lies dying in Walter Reed Hospital. At the same time his wife and child...
What would you do if you had knowledge that a mass-murder was going to take place? Would you do nothing and allow scores of children to be killed? Or, would you take action, and by doing so put yourself in jeopardy of being charged with murder? That is the dilemma of the protagonist of this novel. We will see what he does and its ramifications. The story also explores society's over-exposure to wanton violence and how it can affect children. This violence is in the movies, on TV and on the internet. Combine that with the ease of obtaining weapons of mass murder and the results are...
What would you do if you had knowledge that a mass-murder was going to take place? Would you do nothing and allow scores of children to be killed? Or,...